“Sound & Fury: A Fusion of Music, Animation, and Artistic Expression”

In the realm of artistic innovation, boundaries are shattered and new horizons are explored, giving rise to groundbreaking collaborations that defy conventions. Sturgill Simpson’s “Sound & Fury” epitomizes this spirit of creative exploration. Released in 2019, it transcends the confines of a mere music album, blossoming into an immersive audio-visual experience where the musical genius […]

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The Architecture in dystopian movies

Blade Runner (1982) Have you ever watched Blade Runner and felt the sense of oppression that pervades every scene? A big part of that feeling comes from the architecture. In Blade Runner, the buildings and urban design are integral to creating the dystopian world of the future. The towering, Ziqqurat shaped, brutalist buildings of the […]

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Taika Waititi to Direct Film Adaptation of Sci-Fi Classic ‘The Incal’ by Jodorowsky and Moebius

The Incal, a science fiction comic book by Alejandro Jodorowsky (The Holy Mountain) and Moebius, will become a movie directed by Oscar-winning Taika Waititi. The announcement of the upcoming film adaptation came directly from Jodorowsky, who promoted the official website dedicated to the movie on his social channels. Alongside the image of the Incal (the […]

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First Movie Shot in Space: How “The Challenge” Was Filmed Aboard the ISS

In a historic first, “The Challenge” became the first movie ever to be filmed entirely in space aboard the International Space Station (ISS). This incredible feat of filmmaking was made possible by director Klim Shipenko and lead actress Yulia Peresild, who trained for months to prepare for their journey to the ISS. Over the course […]

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Mutant chronicles

I believe was 1999 but cannot be sure,I was walking with my mom at some town fair, when she stopped at a bookstall to look for some aged garden magazine. That’s when I saw it, a box with an amazing illustration of a man carrying a sword, some people with heavy-machine guns and a samurai […]

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The tomorrow war

2001 Chris McKay “The Tomorrow War” is a thrilling sci-fi action movie that takes you on a wild ride through time and space. Chris Pratt delivers a solid performance as a former soldier turned high school science teacher who is recruited to fight in a future war against an alien invasion. The movie boasts impressive […]

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1985 Terry Gilliam The film was almost never released in its intended form due to creative differences between the director Terry Gilliam and the studio. Gilliam’s original cut was deemed too dark and bleak by the studio, and they wanted a happier ending. Gilliam refused to compromise and went on a public campaign to have […]

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